The experiences of our family as we get back to the earth as much as we can through gardening, hunting, fishing and raising chickens.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
December Rain
Today I helped Scott clean a bunch of the snow off of our roof before it got too water laden. He went on the roof (it is a little too hard for me to get up on the roof as I am still in my walking boot for my tendinitis for one more week) and I was snow blowing the snow that he shoveled down to the decks. It was hard work on our little snow blower as the very heavy snow would pack pretty well as it hit the deck, but I got a lot of it off until I got dowsed with a shovel full of snow from above. :) In all fairness Scott was not aiming.
We were hoping to get some more wood cut also, but Scott didn't get much cut before the rain came down hard and it got to dangerous to cut wood.
Charlie Brown Tree

Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Tree Traditions
Over the years I will admit that I have become a Christmas tree snob. I am very picky about what my tree looks like and it has to be pretty much perfect. Once I was out on my own, my decorations became very "natural". No tinsel or colored lights for me. Just white lights, strung popcorn and cranberries. The ornaments were made out of pine cones, sea shells and fabric things. My star is also a really large starfish. Very cool. Once Scott and I got married I got all of my old ornaments from my Mom so things started to morph a bit, but that was fine as it brought back memories of days of old. Now that we have kids they have their special ornaments also and our tree is looking very different, but wonderful.
This year the checkbook is a bit empty so we knew we would not be able to buy a tree like we normally do, so we thought of getting a permit to cut one on county land, but the permit costs money also, so... I decided that this year we will have a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree and just cut it on our own 20 acres. We have a lot of nice little white pines growing all over, so yesterday Adin and I went in search for our tree. We looked at a few, but it didn't take Adin long to find the one we wanted. It is a beautiful Charlie Brown tree (a bit bigger than Charlie's tree). It was a trick to get the lights on, but the rest looks great. We were selective of the ornaments we put up as there are a lot less branches than a nice fir tree, but as Adin said last night, "It is beautiful Mommy!" and he is right.
If anyone has Christmas tree traditions, please share.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Pumpkin Muffins - All the Craze
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Early Mornings and Apple Sauce
For anyone who is interested, the acorn bread that I made the other day turned out fabulous. It is a very dark bread, not as dark as Rye, but the girls absolutely love it. Lizzy even calls it Pine Cone bread from time to time. It is pretty funny. I wonder what bread would be like with flower from pine nuts. Hmmm.
Outside it is a balmy -8 and that makes me very thankful for our wonderful outdoor wood stove. Thursday morning we are going out to the back woods and start cutting up more downed wood that we will be able to use for our stove. Thursday I'm going to also head out to the garden that is so nicely tucked in and see if I can wake up a row or two of carrots. Our supply in the house is shrinking and needs replenishing. It may also be a good day for cooking up our last big pumpkin for freezing also. We shall see.
As we get closer to the end of the venison butchering, we are going to try and do some canning of some venison also. Not sure how that is going to turn out, but we sure are going to try. I'm going to barrow my sister-in-law's pressure caner for this project as we can not use my hot water bath caner.
Well work calls for the day, so I best get ready to head out with the kids and go take care of a ton of cute babies. I really do love my job and the best part is the my kids are there and just in the other room.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Winter Wonderland

Our wood stove has been working hard and what we thought was a lot of wood, really isn't, so back to cutting wood we will be going. Our wood demand will slow down a bit now that we have all 9 of our deer skinned and quartered and are not heating our barn. We have a lot of butchering and grinding ahead of us, but at least we are able to do that in our kitchen. I forget every year how sore my left shoulder gets after all of the grinding to make burger. Yesterday alone I made 31 packages of burger, with each package being a bit more than a pound. My hope is that we will have enough venison to last us until next deer season so we will not have to buy any beef. (big money savings) We also have a couple of geese, a few grouse and a hand full of ducks in the freezer, along with a couple of wild turkey legs left over from Scott's turkey season this past spring.

As technological as this world is getting these days (i.e. all of these blogs and fb and tiny smart phones) there is something comforting in the smell of fresh baked homemade bread. Today I have acorn bread baking. "Acorn?" you may say. Yes, acorn! I received a small vac bag of acorn flour and wild rice flour from a dear friend a couple of years ago and I have substituted acorn flour for wheat flour in one of my bread recipes. In 2 1/2 hours we'll be able to find out how it tastes. I can't even imagine how much work it was to roast and grind enough acorns to hand make this flour. Crazy, and after a year like this of hardly no acorns, the deer and other critters may just be knocking on my door to get a taste of this bread. Hopefully it won't be too hard of a winter on our woodland friends this year. I do kind of cheat when it comes to making bread. When I first started, I did it all by hand, the kneading and mixing and rising. It was great therapy for my hands, but now with 3 kids I have resorted to the bread machine that we received as a wedding present. Much easier and Scott even makes bread from time to time also. Just put in all the ingredients in order, push start and in 3-4 hours you have bread. With all this "getting back to our roots" I know that using a bread machine is "technology" but this way it just leaves me more time to try making pasta and such. At least it is still homemade.
I'll leave today with posting a picture of the beautiful winter sky the other afternoon as I was waiting for Adin to get off the bus from school.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
On the venison updates... we are doing well. Scott got a small buck (fork wanna be) during bow season, then over the course of the first 5 days of gun season we have either shot or were given 7 other deer. This includes a nice 10 point buck that Scott got yesterday that broke him out of his gun season slump. So yes, that is a grand total of 8 deer hanging in our barn. We are going to be doing a ton of butchering over the winter. There are still 4 days of the season and Scott has 4 doe tags left, so we'll see what he comes home with. This year is different from the others where our crew is almost filled up with tags. Think that there is only one, maybe 2 buck tags left. Good season. I'm am thankful for the many deer hanging in our barn as that means we will have enough meat to make it through the year and we hopefully won't have to by any beef at all. I like venison over beef anyway as it is so lean and much more healthy. We'll still by chicken and some pork, but venison will give us burger, steaks, roasts and much more. Scott does all the butchering and I make all the burger. So thankful that Billy and Marc gave us an electric grinder for our wedding. It has already been used so much.
Well, I best get going and finish getting packed up so the kids and I can make the 2+ hour drive to my parent's place than off to my Grandma's for Thanksgiving Dinner. I love being able to spend time with family this time of year. Scott won't be joining us as he is out hiking the woods and swamps as usual. Happy Thanksgiving to all and take time to think of the things you are thankful for.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Winter Is Here!
We also now have some venison! Yeah! Scott was successful this weekend. It wasn't the "Big" one he was after, but it is a fork with a good sized body. We now have meat and are having tender loins for supper tonight. I am excited. I am also hoping to add to that tonight as I am going back out to sit in my tree. No success last time, but maybe this time.
Everything around here is beautiful with all of this snow. The garden is definitely tucked in with a nice white blanket for the winter. The only thing I'll be digging as I go are my carrots and some may stay til spring. It won't hurt them any.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
No Venison Yet
On Thursday I am leading a scrapbooking retreat at the camp I used to run. I am so excited for 4 days of scrapping. Maybe I'll get my book from my college trip to Europe re-done. Than I can move from 1998 to the present. It has been fun reliving the memories though.
You know... I used to like when the clocks got moved back in the fall, not so much now when I have 3 small kids who's bodies don't reset their clocks real easy. For the last 3 days my kids have been up before 5 am. Yikes. I'm praying that tomorrow I'll get to sleep past 5 bells.
On Sunday the kids and I baked a pumpkin! I had never done it and wanted to see how it would turn out. I picked one of our smaller ones, the kids cleaned it out and I put each half in a baking dish and in the oven on 400 degrees for and hour. When it was done I took them out, scraped out the "meat" and sent it through the blender. Some we ate for supper; Scott and I liked it, but the kids didn't and the rest I froze in 2 pint jars for later use in a pie, bars, muffins or whatever. My friend Rebekah and I are going to get together soon and experiment to see how it will turn out.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Silence of the Woods
There is also the plus side of potentially getting a shot off on a deer (no bear hunting this year). Around my stand there has been a nice 6 pointer and a couple groups of doe. One is a group of two and they are pretty calm tempered along with the single doe hanging around. The group of three are much more jumpy and skittish, so we'll see who shows up near the stand tonight. This is my first night out in the tree in two years for bow season so it will be great no matter what happens. We are in desperate need of some venison soon, I think we are down to our last pound of burger in the freezer and we have no steaks or roasts left. This is perfect curing weather also, upper 30's to low 40's during the day and below freezing at night. Last year was the first year we cured our venison longer this way and even my old buck was nice and tender. Way good.
Scott has been out most mornings and nights so far in November. He started out not being picky (just needing meat), but that changed last night when a really nice buck crossed his path and brush got in the way. Scott was not a happy camper when he got home last night. Now he has buck fever for this one particular buck. Hopefully he'll be able to narrow him down.
Other than the wonderful evening ahead, today has been a pretty productive day for me. Pantry is cleaned and organized (lots more room in there than I thought before I cleaned it - I guess another shopping trip is in order for the basics) Fridge is cleaned out and spotless, laundry is in progress and a couple load of dishes have been done. Now to tackle my tupper ware drawer! That is a scary drawer. So I best be off. I'll be sure to update on my hunting outcomes as I go. I hope others are able to get out and enjoy nature in what ever way they see fit.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween Splendor - By "Me" Lizzy

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Back On-line
I don't have much time to write more now as I need to get some ducks stuffed with apples and in the oven to roast slowly for supper tonight. I do have some pictures that you might enjoy. Here goes....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
First Frost
Now on to happier things. Grapes, Juice, Jelly and Apple Sauce!
Friday night when the kids and I got to Greta and Nico's we jumped in and picked all of the grapes that my sister had that the boys hadn't snacked on. We picked a full average size diaper box. With 5 kids between our two families 4 and under, we have a lot of empty diaper boxes. We also picked a bunch of the remaining few apples that we could reach in hopes of adding a little apple juice to our grape juice in the morning. The kids had a blast
On Saturday morning we cleaned, squashed, boiled and squeezed all of the grapes. We started with using cheese cloth but the flesh of the grapes kept squishing out so we used an old white cotton towel that Greta had. It worked much better and is now lovely shades of purple. Unfortunately our hands were also the same lovely shades of purple. In the end we had almost 2 gallons of juice once it had been diluted.
After we all had some fresh juice as a snack and the kids were off to a nap, Greta and I started in with the jelly. Neither of us had ever made jelly (helping Grandmas and Mom doesn't count at this point)
This coming weekend we are planning on heading back to Ashland for the Bayfield Apple fest and we're going to make and can some more of our divine apple sauce.
When we got home Lizzy, Elle and I harvested 2 of our 4 foot rows of carrots and got tons. Two full ice cream buckets, I think I have 5 or 6 rows left.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Life and Times of Craziness
So far the kids have helped me make 9 + quarts of spaghetti sauce (one of which we had tonight for supper and the kids said it was the best ever), 4 + quarts of salsa and picking and freezing even more green beans. Soon we are going to pick and freeze some carrots.
We have also been working on putting down some concrete under our lean to where we are going to store wood for the wood stove for winter. Adin has spent a lot of time with Dad as this process has been going on. I even got to help finish a small piece up by the (under Adin's watchful eye) deck where we are going to install a ramp so Scott's Mom can get into our house. Adin said that I did a good job, so we'll see what Scott says when he gets home from work.
Along with this cold weather slowing down my tomatoes and everything else in the garden, it has also slowed down the concrete drying process also. Yikes. I absolutely love the canning process. I wish I had a pressure cooker also so I would be able to can more veggies. I have learned so many things can't be canned with a Boiling Water Bath (BWB).
This coming weekend, the kids and I are heading north (to Ashland) to help Greta with her grapes. I have Friday off so we are going to see how many grapes we can get picked before Greta gets home from work. Than the plan is to make juice and jelly. Hope that it will all turn out. I'll try and get some pictures to post from the weekend, I'm sure there will be some good picture opportunities with one 4 year old and four 2 year olds. Crazy times.
August and September have both been whorl winds and I have no idea where they have gone. I look to next spring and the new plantings that will happen in the garden and it makes me both happy and sad. Happy for the new growth and the new trials in the garden, but also sad at the fact that we will be unable to have growth here over the winter. Old timers in the area are saying we are in for a long cold winter with lots of snow. The lots of snow I can handle, but the long and cold I could do without. I guess time will tell. Life is never boring or dull in the Northwoods, I say this as my 3 kids run off their spaghetti supper doing laps from our kitchen, dining room & living room. Craziness surrounds us, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Laps are getting slower so maybe that is a sign of quieter times ahead, or maybe not.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Paper Bag Tomatoes
Today my mom, the kids and I picked another gallon or so of green beans. I'm guessing that I'll probably get one more picking out of them. Those plants sure have been productive for me. I am very pleased.
Well, work will be approaching very early in the morning so bed is calling.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tomatoes and Missing Adin Brother
While we waited we started working on spaghetti sauce, 2 ice cream buckets full of chopped up tomatoes. From now on, I will slightly if not completely freeze all of my tomatoes before canning, as the peels come off much easier.
Once bus time came around, the whole family including Maya the dog walked down the driveway to watch Adin get on the bus for the first time. When that bus came he did great. Mr. Wayne, the bus driver had to tell Adin to actually stop and wave so I could take a picture. As the bus drove off with a smiling Adin, I realized that I had a very sad little Lizzy. Elle was fine and walked back up the driveway with Daddy. I had to carry Lizzy up the driveway, because she didn't want to leave. All she said up the driveway was "I miss my Adin Brother!" When we got to the house Lizzy sat on the bottom steps heading up to the deck, and there she sat. We couldn't get her to come in, she just kept saying he missed her Adin Brother. Scott went out, sat down next to her on the step and still couldn't get her to come in. He asked her if she was going to sit there all day and she said yes, until her Adin Brother comes home. That is when my heart broke. Seeing how sad she was without her Adin was a big surprise. I truly hadn't expected her to be affected like this. She sat there for almost an hour.
I finally talked her into going to town with me to get basil for the spaghetti sauce and there we also bought some Popsicles. I think the Popsicles helped, because she is now running around being silly with Elle, but it took a while. In the mean time, I got all those tomatoes stewing away trying to get them cooked down so I can continue this project. This will be awhile, I may have to finish it after my training tonight for Early Childhood stuff for work. I should be home around 9 pm. We'll see home much it cooks down by 4:30. So until the Spaghetti sauce is done and canned, be blessed and I'll see ya later.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pumpkin Hammocks and Beautiful Jars

have gotten wild and crazy. Well I have a few vines that are growing up the fence around the garden. Now one of them has produced a nice little pumpkin. The way those little tendrils are already stretched and tight I know that they most likely would not be able to last until this falls pumpkin harvest. I happened to be reading a few days ago about a certain cantaloupe named "Lupe" who is sporting a rather nice pink bandanna for some support in Thyme to Garden Now. I loved the idea and thought that it would work perfect in this situation. Now our high climbing pumpkin has a pretty blue "hat" as Lizzy says, I like to call it a nice little pumpkin hammock. Thanks for the great idea Minji.
I was also asked for some pictures of the blue green jars that were my Great Grandma's that I used in my dill pickle adventures. Here are some of them. In this light they look mostly blue, but up close they are just dazzling. You are able to see all of the fabulous little air bubbles in each of the jars. The pickles that have been canned in these jars really are a nice bright green color. It is pretty cool.

Words from Me - Lizzy
I should probably introduce myself a little better. My name is Elizabeth or Lizzy for short, although my Great Grandma calls me "Beth" sometimes. I'm 2 1/2 and I'm the oldest of twins (only by a minute but I'm STILL the big sister.) I have really started to like this gardening thing and want to help Mommy out a lot. It all started when she was planting all the seeds into these puffy little dirt pocket things that grew when you put water on them. How cool is that. My cousin Tristan helped me and Mom. We were good at pushing the seeds down in the dirt.
Once we actually got to plant them in the really cool garden that Daddy built for Mommy I gave everything lots of love. I kissed all the garlic and onions before we put them in the dirt (oh "soil" Mommy says it is only dirt once it is all over us, it is soil when it is in the garden. - that is some old time joke between Mommy, Auntie Greta and Grandma Sandy, not really sure what that is about. Maybe when I'm older they will explain it.) I was pretty bummed when Mommy pulled all of the garlic out of the garden and most of them were the same size as when I kissed them and put them in the soil. I was not happy and neither was Mommy. Mommy said that the onions didn't size up either, I'm guessing that means they are small.
I love to go to the garden everyday with Mommy, I know where everything is and check on all of the pumpkins and watermelons and tomatoes. I love to see everything growing. Right now my favorite things in the garden are the green beans. I always have to eat some every time I go down there. Yum! Adin and Elle like them too and Mommy calls us her 3 little bunnies, I guess we sound like bunnies while we are munching on the beans.
Well, I have to get going... Mommy wants me to take a nap. Ha, like that is going to work. Hope you enjoyed my words and maybe Mommy will let me blog again.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Productive Pickle Day
Peanuts Violated
Today the girls and I are going to dive into another round of making pickles. Hopefully this batch turns out better then the first. We have 17 lbs. of cucumbers to pickle.

Monday, August 23, 2010
This is my week of reclaiming my garden. Now that I am finally done working at camp and have this week off before I start my new job at the day care, the kids and I are going to hit it hard (maybe not as hard as my son hit a tree yesterday while swinging on the tire swing at my sister's. I'll post more about that tomorrow with pics hopefully. He has a pretty sad little look now with a major fat lip and puffy nose.) The peas are coming out and maybe the beans, we'll have to see about that. I'm still hoping that the yellow bell pepper plants do something - as of now...not so much. The pumpkins have taken over, next year they will have a new home on the south side of the garden outside of the fence (seeing as how most of them have made their way that direction anyway) so I have more room for other things that don't become out of con troll as much as these have. I have a pumpkin forest.
Well, they guys are here to install our outdoor wood boiler, so I best get outside. One last note... if anyone has any good recipes or trick to canning pumpkin for later use (aka - pies) let me know. I think I'm going to have a bumper crop of pumpkins this year - more than what we'll need at Halloween.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunflowers and garden tours by Lizzy

everything is right down to the smallest watermelon.

Just yesterday I realized that I never put in a picture of my composting barrel now that it is mostly done. Here it is.... We took an old bear bait barrel (yes, i said bear bait - Scott and I are both bear hunters.) drilled air and drainage hole in it and holes for the pipe and mounted it into the 4x4's. I am still going to be painting the 4x4's as well as the barrel to match the garden posts and I'm hoping to add a second barrel (maybe after this bear season - not sure) so I can have compost in 2 different stages. It works really well to flip it end over end (it can be a bit heavy when it is full, but that is ok - it's a good work out.) But it gets and stays nice and hot and I have already gotten some good compost out of there.

Thursday, August 5, 2010
A New Chapter
You may ask, after 15+ years of Youth Ministry (1.5 yrs in there as a youth director also) what I might be doing..... well, I want to spend more time with my 3 kids. I have missed so much of them being little already in the last 4 years and I don't want to miss any more. I also miss my hubby. We both work tons and it is usually opposite each other so we see each other coming and going. NOT fun. My new job will be as a Day Care Teacher (I still get to work with kids), and not just any day care, but the day care that my kids go to. I am so excited. This is the absolutely coolest place ever! The staff are wonderful and my kids love it. I get the best of both worlds - I still get to work full time, but I also get to be with my kids.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Humid Bean Surprises
I took advantage....I got about a half gallon of sugar snap peas or more, a number of cucumbers, about another cup and a half of shelled peas and some HUGE green beans. I had been afraid that that was going to happen. Here is where my surprise comes in. I thought that at that size they would be getting kind of tough, nope they were wonderful. I also discovered that my bean plants, which I thought were winding down for the year are getting their 2nd wind - I have an entirely new batch of flowers on them. Way fun. My kids love the fresh beans and as I was picking some baby carrots for supper the kids kept raiding my basket of beans. These raids continued right up until I put the beans in the steamer to cook them for supper. At least they had a great healthy snack and they still ate supper. I was a pretty happy mom.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pickle, Pickle, Who's Got the Pickle?
I have to add dill to my garden plan for next year. It smells so good and looks pretty cool also. I remember when I was growing up, my Grandma always had a huge dill plant behind her house. It was just the coolest thing.
I'm using a pretty standard recipe for dill pickles, right out of the BHG red and white cookbook. Does anyone have a great pickle recipe that they wouldn't mind sharing with a beginner?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Things of Green

I am still in love with my garden, but not the mosquitoes that seem to like it too. Normally mosquitoes have never bothered me. I have spent summers on the Namekagon and St. Croix rivers up here as a river guide and never used bug spray once and they left me alone, but now.... 30 seconds in the garden and they almost carry a person away. I think that next year I am going to strategically plant some citronella plants throughout the garden, maybe that will help keep those pesky things at bay.
A couple of weeks ago I discovered my first watermelon which was at that point the size of a very small marble, last night I found tons of watermelons. I was so excited! My biggest one is about the size of a tennis ball. I'll be sure to take some more pics this weekend and get them posted. I just get so excited each time I find a new baby something down there in the garden.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I was thinning out some of the carrots as they got planted too close together in some spots and they are actually looking like carrots. Way fun. Instead of composting these tiny little things I'm feeding them to Amy the Lionhead bunny. Boy does she like those, they are gone in an instant. We are all excitedly waiting to be able to harvest big carrots.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A New Addition
The family reunion was great and we got to see our cousin Luke from AZ. who we didn't think was going to be there. Great surprise! My kids love going to the farm and are always singing "Old MacDonald" except we change it to "Auntie Lori Had a Farm!"
On Sunday the kids and I, Grandma and Buppa, Greta, Nico and the boys went to Irvine Park. Great place, it has playgrounds a small zoo like area and a petting zoo. The kids had a blast. Funny thing is that we came home with a furry little bunny. The kids didn't know that I was going to get her, but they were very excited. She is a gray with tan/brown dusty looking Lionhead and adorable. (pictures to come later.) All the way home the kids were trying to think of a name for her and we settled on "Amy." The name Amy came from Adin, after a camper we had last week at camp and whom Adin fell in love with. So we now have Amy who is living in Adin's room and is really enjoying the spoils of our garden which the kids are having a ball picking and feeding her.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Garbage Can Potatoes: Part 2

Just wanted to update on the potato in the garbage can process... they are doing great! I have three 55 gal. cans (one for each of my kids) that the potatoes are growing like weeds. Elle's can (pictured) is doing the best, the plants are very tall and the flowers a beautiful. I never knew that the flowers were so pretty. Adin's can is next, with plants just peeking over the rim and Lizzy's can is getting close to the top. For some reason hers were a little slower to start in the growing, but they'll get there.
Now I just hope that there are potatoes growing under the soil that we have been so carefully tending too, watering, adding compost and more soil. Everything this year is an experiment for me as this is my first official vegetable garden, so we'll see how things go and we'll tweak things for the future. In the mean time, I'm going to enjoy these beautiful potato flowers.
Update on other aspects of life around our 20 ac. It is official... we are going to be putting in an outdoor wood furnace in the next month and a half. We are just waiting for the estimate from the company and digging up 2 double stumps next to out shed. I know that when we started this project we were going to build a new structure behind our house, change of plans. We now know that the shed is not to far away from the house, so we are going to put the stove next to the shed, utilize the lean to off of the shed for wood storage and build the chicken coop and green house off of the back of the shed. That way, less structure to build and we can heat the shed also. Love this idea. Right now we probably have almost 2 years of wood ready to be split. In the end this is going to be such a more cost effective way of heating our home and everything else. I am looking forward to finishing my flower garden next to the deck also once these water and heating lines go in. Right now it looks a bit funny with 4 feet of nothing in the middle of the flower bed. Soon oh very soon! Scott finished freezing the last 3 cases of corn the other night before I got home from work, so that was wonderful. Thanks hun! :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tomato Tragedy

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Picking, cutting and freezing
This weekend I was able to get 6 cases of sweetcorn (for free - even better) so we have been cutting the corn off the cob, blanching and then freezing them. It felt like I was back on the farm as a kid doing this, the only thing missing was the cows to feed the husks too. No we are NOT getting a cow. Way more work than I want. The recipe is the best - it is what we always used growing up on the farm.
Home on the Farm Sweet Corn
8-10 cup cut corn
1 t. sugar
1 t. salt
1 stick butter (I use less)
1 c water
boil for 3 min., cool then package and freeze
So great! I have 3 cases done and 3 more to go. Guess what I'll be doing tonight!
My next project is going and doing some raspberry and strawberry picking and making some of my Grandma's jam. Yum!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Photos Galore

Finally getting the fence and the raised beds done. Looking pretty good. Elle and Lizzy "helping out" or just playing in the sand between the raised beds.
2 Months (Opps!)
So my garden is "gwowing" like crazy, to quote my 2 year old Elle. The radishes have come and gone and were wonderful according to my dad who loves them. The sugar snap peas are just getting ready for a first picking, and I have lots of "babies." Baby cucumbers, beans, tomatoes and more. Oh how I love going into the garden every morning at 5:30 to check on them, pull a few weeds and give drinks when needed. There are even new asparagus shoots coming up again. Way cool. I have lots of new pictures, and will update them when I find my cord for my phone (I think it got borrowed by some of my staff.)
Well, back to work, I just wanted to do a quick update with lots more to follow.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Garden - one step closer
On a positive note, the rain is going to be really good for the sod that we dug up and moved from the garden spot to the sand pit around the back door and deck. It is a complete transformation of the back yard already and we just started. Amazing what a little green grass will do!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Garbage Can Potatoes
Monday, April 26, 2010

When Scott and the kids got home, the kids joined me in the sod cutting department and Scott started sodding the spots where we had stumps taken out. We were glad that we could reuse the sod instead of just composting it.

While pealing sod, I discovered an oddity in our yard/future garden site. In one area I was hitting hard spots that just wouldn't peal with the shovel. Come to find out.... that area is riddled with garden stakes. Who puts garden stakes in the middle of the yard that are about 1 inch under the sod. Very strange and frustrating. I think I pulled up about 6-8 of them in 15 minutes. At least I'll get to reuse those also. :) We got a lot done tonight, but we have a really long way to go. Hopefully tomorrow when I get home from work I'll be able to get some more sod cut and rolled.
Once all the sod is removed Scott is going to try and use our 4Wheeler and the plow attachment to slowly level the area an move the top soil around so we won't have to do as much shoveling. I hope and pray that this works.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Garden Posts
Friday, April 23, 2010
Gophers and Lilies
After I had enough of the shoveling and raking we moved on to finishing the lily and day lily beds. Needless to say it was an all day project, I got lots of sun, I'm a bit sore, but they are all in their new homes and it is really starting to look nice. I am bummed that I had to leave a 4 foot section in the middle of the day lily bed so Scott can dig a trench to lay the piping and such for the outdoor wood furnace. Once that is done than I'll fill in that area so it won't look so strange.
Once Scott got home from work this afternoon, we started to map out where the wood stove shed/green house/wood storage/chicken coop is going to be. I'm not really sold on the the layout that he has in mind yet, only because it is going to be a long building and I really like the view into the valley. But - with the topography of our backyard we are going to have to dig into the hill and the building will be set about 3-4 feet into the hill to make it lower, so the obstruction won't be as bad. I'm going to sleep on it, but really that is how it will have to work I think.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Stumps Gone! Lilies Here We Come!
Now on to my Lilies! As soon as I got home from work, I started in on amending the soil in the lily bed and then started transplanting. All 3 kids were pretty excited to help also and were so cute at how they handled the bulbs, especially the "baby" ones. Lizzy is now my expert lily girl. I worked as long as I could and got 80% of them moved (not counting the ones at the old house) and I had to give it up and come in. I'm glad that I have tomorrow off and can finish this up.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dusty Weekend
Lizzy and I did a lot of Egg picking in the chicken coop on Sunday. She was a little tentative, but did get brave enough to pick a couple up on her own. Hopefully she'll keep up that interest when we get our own chickens in the future.
While we were gone, Scott when and picked up our new (new to us) mower from our friend Marc who no longer needs a rider with a bagging system. So when we got home on Sunday, the kids helped Daddy put the bagger on the mower and I started mowing, which was also very dusty. We are in desperate need of rain and chopping up all those dried up oak leaves was a bit dusty also. My eyes still felt like sandpaper when I woke up this morning. But I got a good start on the bagging of the leave. There is still a lot of racking that need to be done where trees came down (I'm not going to mow over all those sticks).
Rumor has it that the tree service with the stump grinder will be coming Tuesday or Wednesday. Very exciting! Then I'll be able to get those flowers moved and start the layout of the garden and fencing. I'm so excited! This could be a busy week around our house.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A Turkey, A Turkey, Daddy Got A Turkey!

Monday, April 12, 2010
"Heart" Rot

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Burning Hotdogs and Marshmallows
I asked Adin what he wanted for supper and he said that we should burn hot dogs and marshmallows, so that is what we had, minus the burning part. That is just what he calls roasting. We have a small over the fire hand grill, so we used that for the hot dogs, which is much quicker than making the hot dogs on sticks.
I was impressed with Maya. I thought that she would be trying to eat off of every one's plates seeing as how we were sitting on stumps or the ground, but she just sat there waiting like such a good girl. All in all it was a fun and sticky night with the 5 of us and I hope that we will have many more of them.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Cistern
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Waiting on Seeds
The work in our yard continues with more trees being cut up and hauled away to open up the space to let the sun into the yard where the garden will grow. I won't be doing much of the lifting and digging for a couple of days, seeing as how I somehow messed up my back on Tuesday. This is a major pain in the butt (and back) and a not so fun set back. At least I'll still be able to put out my bird feeders tonight - provided that the bears stay out of our yard!