Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sugaring #6

I hadn't planned on posting tonight, but after the record day of sap production I decided to.  Scott went and checked the sap earlier this afternoon, because yesterday I had overflowing buckets by the time I got home from work.  I still had overflowing sap buckets when I got home today.  We had a grand total of 9 gallons harvested today.  Way crazy.  So far this week we have gotten 19 total gallons (which is what is waiting in our barn for me to get enough time to boil.)  I am just hoping that we'll have enough storage for tomorrow's harvest and than I'll boil all day Friday.  This weather has really lent it self to sap production.  We have one tree in particular that must have sustained some winter damage to a limb high up.  As I was emptying the sap bucket this week I was getting sap dripped on me from above.  Needless to say it is one of our better producing trees. 

With the sun and warm temps our snow is finally going away, but not fast enough.  This weekend we are expecting some rain so that will help.  I am longing for anything to start growing in my gardens, even weeds.  Friday I am also planning on starting my seeds that will be getting a head start in the sun room. 

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