Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy Weekend

Adin snuggled up to Elle

This weekend, the kids and I were in Ashland at my sister's house for our annual yard sale.  My goal this year, other than getting rid of baby and little kid clothes, was to make enough money to cover my spring gardening expenses for seeds, starting pellets, etc.  It was a successful weekend and I even came home with some extra money and a trunk of plants.  We brought home our tomato & pepper seedlings along with some daffodils that were growing in Greta's woods, some lily of the valley and a rather large rhubarb plant.  We had some rain on Saturday, but thanks to my Dad's HUGE tarp we made a make-shift tent over the slab for Nico's new garage where he will be opening a care repair and detailing shop.  We all had a ton of fun, but the busy weekend really pooped us all out. 

When we got home, after driving through some nasty storms, I found a wonderful surprise in the garden.  Lots of green and some very sweet smelling Lilacs!   I love the smell of spring. Things really took off over the 4 days I was gone and the rain really gave things a boost. 

Here is a tour of our garden.

Sugar Snap peas on the left.
Shelling peas on the right.
I have to get the fence in for the shelling peas.

Green Beans and Wax Beans
Every other row - Wax beans are slower coming
up than the Green Beans.

Adin and the HUGE asparagus

I can't wait until next year to harvest. 
Soon tomatoes will join the asparagus.

Lizzy weeding

Elle weeding
Hopefully Tuesday and Wednesday are nice so I can get some more things planted and the yard mowed again.  Holy jungle.  Happy gardening to all.


  1. Your asparagus is up? Oh man, it looks like mine all died over the winter. We planted it last year and I put compost on it after everything froze. Dang. :(

    Spring is wonderful though, isn't it?

  2. I planted mine last year also. I thought that I lost one of my 10, but to my delight it came up this weekend. I'm sorry to hear about your asparagus. Maybe they will make a late showing. We can hope. I do love spring.
