I have been waiting for this weekend for a really long time. The snow is gone from the garden and the soil is no longer frozen in the raised beds. Things have dried out a bit and my hand were able to get dirty. It was a complete rush to be able to get in there and dig, to feel the soil between my fingers, to smell that sweet smell of freshly worked earth. So relaxing and stress relieving. Oh how I missed that. No longer. I have a good number of my beds cleaned up and weed free. The kids were out there digging in the soil also. I'm not sure that they actually pull out any weeds, but they had fun.
Our over wintered carrots, just as crisp as last summer.
We harvested the remaining carrots from last year, about 8 lbs worth. The kids couldn't wait until we got them in the house to wash them and munch. I was amazed at how wonderful they are. We did find some carrot mush out there also. That was nasty grabbing hold of those carrots. Yuck feeling. I am going to keep some whole just for snacking, slice some for blanching and freezing and shred/freeze some for muffins. I am excited to use my new food processor. Oh and maybe I'll make some carrot juice also. The possibilities are endless. Can you tell I'm a tad bit excited to be back in the garden? I know....I am obsessed. Forgive me.

My compost barrel is looking snazzy in it's new spring style. Isn't a fresh coat of black paint a wonderful thing? Now I just have to get my other barrel (newly acquired) added to the system. It has been painted and is awaiting holes and a longer pole to be threaded. Once things dry out even more I will be painting the posts the same dark brown as the garden fence so it all looks nice together. I think I might even add flower pot post toppers to beautify the compost system.
This weekend I also starting ripping up my lily bed next to the west deck. We used to have a split rail fence there, but it was a tad bit rotted out so I took it down. I think it took me maybe 2 minutes to take it down. Now it really looks strange there, but I'm expanding the bed also so that will hopefully help. I left two of the fence posts, because they house bird houses and until I find other places to put them, I'm leaving them.
Scott and I set up a temporary kennel for Freya for during the day. That pup just doesn't get life in the house. I know that she is a puppy and I know that she does know right & wrong, she is just choosing to not behave, much like our 3 year old twins girls. Funny. She will get to come in at night, so it isn't all bad. Scott did some moving of cut up wood and some turkey scouting. His turkey season starts this Wednesday and mine is next Wednesday. So here starts the season of "Turkey Reports" between our house and Steve's. (Steve is Scott's best friend and Adin's God Father.) Scott, Steve and I are all going out on Wednesday. My lovely friend Rebekah is coming over before 5 am to watch the kids so Scott and I can hunt together. I am getting very excited to here that gobble getting closer and closer and to see that Tom all fluffed out and strutting. Way cool. I LOVE SPRING!