The experiences of our family as we get back to the earth as much as we can through gardening, hunting, fishing and raising chickens.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
December Rain
Today I helped Scott clean a bunch of the snow off of our roof before it got too water laden. He went on the roof (it is a little too hard for me to get up on the roof as I am still in my walking boot for my tendinitis for one more week) and I was snow blowing the snow that he shoveled down to the decks. It was hard work on our little snow blower as the very heavy snow would pack pretty well as it hit the deck, but I got a lot of it off until I got dowsed with a shovel full of snow from above. :) In all fairness Scott was not aiming.
We were hoping to get some more wood cut also, but Scott didn't get much cut before the rain came down hard and it got to dangerous to cut wood.
Charlie Brown Tree

Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Tree Traditions
Over the years I will admit that I have become a Christmas tree snob. I am very picky about what my tree looks like and it has to be pretty much perfect. Once I was out on my own, my decorations became very "natural". No tinsel or colored lights for me. Just white lights, strung popcorn and cranberries. The ornaments were made out of pine cones, sea shells and fabric things. My star is also a really large starfish. Very cool. Once Scott and I got married I got all of my old ornaments from my Mom so things started to morph a bit, but that was fine as it brought back memories of days of old. Now that we have kids they have their special ornaments also and our tree is looking very different, but wonderful.
This year the checkbook is a bit empty so we knew we would not be able to buy a tree like we normally do, so we thought of getting a permit to cut one on county land, but the permit costs money also, so... I decided that this year we will have a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree and just cut it on our own 20 acres. We have a lot of nice little white pines growing all over, so yesterday Adin and I went in search for our tree. We looked at a few, but it didn't take Adin long to find the one we wanted. It is a beautiful Charlie Brown tree (a bit bigger than Charlie's tree). It was a trick to get the lights on, but the rest looks great. We were selective of the ornaments we put up as there are a lot less branches than a nice fir tree, but as Adin said last night, "It is beautiful Mommy!" and he is right.
If anyone has Christmas tree traditions, please share.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Pumpkin Muffins - All the Craze
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Early Mornings and Apple Sauce
For anyone who is interested, the acorn bread that I made the other day turned out fabulous. It is a very dark bread, not as dark as Rye, but the girls absolutely love it. Lizzy even calls it Pine Cone bread from time to time. It is pretty funny. I wonder what bread would be like with flower from pine nuts. Hmmm.
Outside it is a balmy -8 and that makes me very thankful for our wonderful outdoor wood stove. Thursday morning we are going out to the back woods and start cutting up more downed wood that we will be able to use for our stove. Thursday I'm going to also head out to the garden that is so nicely tucked in and see if I can wake up a row or two of carrots. Our supply in the house is shrinking and needs replenishing. It may also be a good day for cooking up our last big pumpkin for freezing also. We shall see.
As we get closer to the end of the venison butchering, we are going to try and do some canning of some venison also. Not sure how that is going to turn out, but we sure are going to try. I'm going to barrow my sister-in-law's pressure caner for this project as we can not use my hot water bath caner.
Well work calls for the day, so I best get ready to head out with the kids and go take care of a ton of cute babies. I really do love my job and the best part is the my kids are there and just in the other room.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Winter Wonderland

Our wood stove has been working hard and what we thought was a lot of wood, really isn't, so back to cutting wood we will be going. Our wood demand will slow down a bit now that we have all 9 of our deer skinned and quartered and are not heating our barn. We have a lot of butchering and grinding ahead of us, but at least we are able to do that in our kitchen. I forget every year how sore my left shoulder gets after all of the grinding to make burger. Yesterday alone I made 31 packages of burger, with each package being a bit more than a pound. My hope is that we will have enough venison to last us until next deer season so we will not have to buy any beef. (big money savings) We also have a couple of geese, a few grouse and a hand full of ducks in the freezer, along with a couple of wild turkey legs left over from Scott's turkey season this past spring.

As technological as this world is getting these days (i.e. all of these blogs and fb and tiny smart phones) there is something comforting in the smell of fresh baked homemade bread. Today I have acorn bread baking. "Acorn?" you may say. Yes, acorn! I received a small vac bag of acorn flour and wild rice flour from a dear friend a couple of years ago and I have substituted acorn flour for wheat flour in one of my bread recipes. In 2 1/2 hours we'll be able to find out how it tastes. I can't even imagine how much work it was to roast and grind enough acorns to hand make this flour. Crazy, and after a year like this of hardly no acorns, the deer and other critters may just be knocking on my door to get a taste of this bread. Hopefully it won't be too hard of a winter on our woodland friends this year. I do kind of cheat when it comes to making bread. When I first started, I did it all by hand, the kneading and mixing and rising. It was great therapy for my hands, but now with 3 kids I have resorted to the bread machine that we received as a wedding present. Much easier and Scott even makes bread from time to time also. Just put in all the ingredients in order, push start and in 3-4 hours you have bread. With all this "getting back to our roots" I know that using a bread machine is "technology" but this way it just leaves me more time to try making pasta and such. At least it is still homemade.
I'll leave today with posting a picture of the beautiful winter sky the other afternoon as I was waiting for Adin to get off the bus from school.